Datatable footer

Is it possible to make the footer editable in treetable?

If not, do I have to insert a last row as “footer”?

… additionally I defined my own calculation-method for footer. But I need to call it manually after doing some calculations… How can I call it manually?

This is my function:

webix.ui.datafilter.ColumnSum = webix.extend({
	refresh: function(master, node, value){
		var result = 0;{
			if(".").length === 1){
				if (obj[value.columnId]){
			  		result = parseInt(result) + parseInt(obj[value.columnId]);
			node.firstChild.innerHTML = result;
}, webix.ui.datafilter.summColumn);

Refresh is called automatically on data update.

The main way to change the footer’s content manually is to set its value and call refreshColumns, something like

grid.getColumnConfig("votes").footer[0] = { text:"some" }

But, there’s also a possible trick: you can add some custom condition in refresh and update the data depending on it. To trigger the update manually, you can change the condition and call refreshColumns():