Toolbar checkbox label width and textfield label alignment

Can someone help me understand why this doesn’t look good by default, and what I need to learn about the webix layout model to make this look better without having to do things like hardcode widths. As far as possible, I want webix to render this nicely with a minimal amount of manual specification:

In particular:

  1. “Some Long Label” is truncated. Why? There is plenty of space.
  2. There is unnecessary whitespace to the right of the Text1 and Text2 labels. Why?

For now, relative width for built-in labels is not implemented. The default width (note that labelWidth accepts only numeric values) is 80 px and related to all inputs including the checkbox.

The only solution we can recommend so far without setting the fixed width is implementing a separate ui.label, which has the autowidth property and can be relatively sized as well as other inputs.

Thanks for the response. I tried creating separate ui.label views and specifying autowidth:true, but it doesn’t seem to work for “Long Label Here”:

Am I missing something?

Also, while the right-side whitespace margin for the Text1 and Text2 labels is smaller than before, I would prefer to reduce this margin even further. Is there an easy way to do that?