How to not display "undefined" in bound templates before any selection is made

If I bind a template to a datatable and use some values, they’ll show up as “undefined” before the user makes a selection in the master. How can we not render the template at all before a selection is made?

I tried onBindRequest, but there’s no showOverlay() for template:

on: {
    onBindRequest: function () {
        if (Object.keys( === 0 || this.count && !this.count())
            // this.showOverlay("Sorry, there is no data"); - no showOverlay method
            // this.hide(); - doesn't work because onBindRequest never fires again if we hide the view

At I tried this.setHTML, which works, but how do we tell the component to repaint itself after that whenre there is data?

There are two techniques

a) you can define defaultData that will be used by template when item is not selected

b) you can use conditional template

c) you can hide and show the template on selection

Thank you very much, methods b) and c) work best.

Actually, method c), hide/show onAfterSelect, doesn’t work. The id from that snippet is always defined, so the code could be just onAfterSelect: function () { $$('slave').show() }.

But there’s no way to catch the unselect event: onAfterUnselect never fires. In that snippet, try filtering for anything, not just a string that would exclude the selected row.

So two bugs:

  1. onAfterUnselect apparently never fires. Its documentation should say in what situations it fires.
  2. Filtering a datatable loses the selection, even if the selected item(s) match(es) the filter.

There’s a workaround with onAfterFilter, but I believe the bugs above should be corrected.