[Feauture request] 'List' elements template from webix components

It’s easier and more suitable in some cases than html template.

Did you mean something like this?


Can you clarify what exactly you need?

Without html template and with it’s feautures.
Webix allows to make all visualization for web application in javascript code and html templating looks strange.

My guess is he means a list of arbitrary webix views (which could be called ‘viewList’ ) instead of the ‘list’ component which is a list of templates.
Is that it, kolka ?

Something like that. List currently supports some similar feauture - templating elements, i.e. suporting complex elements. But templating made in html

So it is like a view:'layout', rows: [] but with methods to dynamically add, remove or find ?
Maybe it is possible by a bit of protoUI, to extend ‘layout’ ?

With syncronizing collection of elements (exists in List) and binding form elements to js object (another feauture request).

P.S. I can extend webix controls and do it myself, but I want to see webix better and more suitable for some cases.