Datepicker doesn't display when I specify a container

I’m new to webix so please forgive my ignorance. I’ve searched the documentation and haven’t found a solution.

I have a datepicker and want to specify the suggest property so I can limit the dates that can be selected in the calendar. If I don’t set the container property on the datepicker, it is visible on the screen and works as expected - it’s just in the wrong location. However, if I set the container property, the datepicker is not displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that I can set the container if I don’t try to set the suggest property.

This displays, just not where I want it:

datepicker = webix.ui({
view: “datepicker”,
suggest: {
type: “calendar”,
body: {
blockDates: OnlySunday,
date: new Date(),
timepicker: false,
width: 243

This does not:

datepicker = webix.ui({
container: containerId,
view: “datepicker”,
suggest: {
type: “calendar”,
body: {
blockDates: OnlySunday,
date: new Date(),
timepicker: false,
width: 243

This displays where I want it, but can’t limit clickable days:

datepicker = webix.ui({
container: containerId,
date:new Date(),

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Figured out my issue - the rendered width of the control was “0”. After setting the width, the control displayed.