[Bug] extending default json DataDriver and reimplementing getInfo method not working

  webix.DataDriver.productsAdapter = webix.extend({
        getRecords: function (data) {
            return data.Products;
        getInfo: function (data) {
            var info = {}
            info._size = data.ItemsCount;
            info._from = (data.Page - 1) * data.ItemsPerPage;
            return info;
    }, webix.DataDriver.json);

I’ve tied to use this productsAdapter in datatable, But paging not work. I’m shure that back-end can give back more items.
I started investigation issue and found a workaround.
I looked what webix.DataDriver.json returns → {Q: 0, R: 0, S: 0, T: undefined, U: undefined}
so i modified my getInfo this way

      getInfo: function (data) {
            var info = {}
            info.Q = data.ItemsCount;
            info.R = (data.Page - 1) * data.ItemsPerPage;
            return info;

and paging start working.
Actually may be I use DataAdapter incorrectly? If no so probably it is a bug.

my webix version is 3.4.0

here is a snippet http://webix.com/snippet/b601d517
and it is working. But Snippets use webix 3.4.5.


Properties that start with “_” are renamed in non-debug version. We will change names of “getInfo” properties in the next version.