Spreadsheet reset Bug?

When I write something in some spreadsheet cell , and then call the reset() function , the onreset event does not run.
Is it a bug?

Unfortunately, I can’t represent this issue locally. Are there any specific conditions?

Please try to modify the following snippet to show the problem:

Ok, look this:

Placing the function within the WEBIX.ui as such:
on:{ onReset:function(){ alert() } }
It works well.
But, placing as such:
$$(“sheet_id”).attachEvent(“onReset”, function(){
The function does not run when you write some thing in the sheet, but if you reset it, and reset again, it works.
Seems like a bug.

Thanks for the reply.

Yep, I can confirm a bug. We will include a fix in the next build.

If you have a support subscription and need the fix ASAP, please contact us by email.