Issue 11: Form - properties "animate" and "borderless" do not work as expected

Component Issues:

Component: Form - properties “animate” and “borderless” do not work as expected

Form properties do not work like expected:



By enabling property “animate” nothing gets animated.

Either the property is does not work for Form or it needs a better description of effect.

By enabling property “borderless” the form elements still have borders.

Either the property does not work or it needs a better description of functionality.

See test example below:


It has sense only for elements inside of multiivew or tabview. It defines the animation type which will be used for this special view. Check how tabbar animated in the next sample


enables or disables border of component ( it doesn’t affect inner elements, only the host )

Thanks for clarification.

Would be helpful to mention in documentation that animation is applicable when the Form is wrapped by parent multiivew or tabview.

For borderless I don’t see any difference in provided example:

Both forms and nested texts look the same.

We will update the documentations.
As for form - the bottom one has a border around it, while the top one doesn’t have a border.

– As for form - the bottom one has a border around it …

Oh, I missed it. :slight_smile:
Thanks for pointing out.