accordion horizontal orientation using html markup

Is there any way to set the accordion to be vertically oriented (i.e. as in while using the html markup?

The following only gives the vertical layout:

header 1

content 1

header 2

content 2

There doesn’t seem to be a way to do this without reverting to the javascript initialisation. Looking at the webix_debug.js, the only way to set _vertical_orientation = 0 is in baselayout.cols_setter. Since the cols collection isn’t directly initialisable, perhaps there could be a property to set the orientation instead?

You can use “stack” property, it doesn’t have direct json mapping, but allows to define which type of collection ( rows, cols or something else ) to use

<div view="accordion" multi="true" stack="cols">

Excellent - that works great. I couldn’t find it in the docs though so perhaps it’s something that could be added in the future?

Yep, we will update the related docs with the next update.