Reactive Data binding / MVVM

Hi, new to webix, but it looks awesome.

Just wondering how easy it would be to create reactive data binding adaptors, such as:

  1. an adapter for Firebase (which uses Faye, but provides it’s own backend),

  2. an adapter for in-browser reactive html-binding, for example with RactiveJs ?


Am noting the following change in version 1.6:

“- data in components can be updated from server side”

This is crucial for reactive MVVM patterns including integration with Firebase.
Do you have a sample, and/or any supporting documentation for this?

While the above functionality was added to the core engine, we don’t have actual samples yet.
I will try to provide the full sample in next few days.

Thanks, enjoying Webix so far, will likely purchase a license if we can adapt it for our reactive programming style, and integration with Firebase.

I think with this feature I can implement my CodeIgniter Controller too, waiting for any sample ou documentation.


any news on this?
It would be really wonderful to be able to bind the UI to a datamodel, such that changes to the datamodel are displayed in the UI.
ie: like: Reactive, MVVM, knockoutjs, RactiveJs, etc.

I’m wondering if Webix has MVVM data binding like ExtJS:

Am finding that the DataCollection class can be used as a ViewModel.

Maksim, have you seen GluJS?

how difficult would it be to incorporate this reactive functionality into Webix?

Most reactive framework depends on custom html templating engine, reusing them with Webix will be problematic.

True, but GluJS is the exception, which is why I point it out.

It appears to be designed to work on top of UI’s which are configured in JSON - currently it is a layer on top of ExtJS, and appears to be the inspiration (to put it kindly) for the new MVVM model in Extjs 5.0.

I have been in contact with the developer of GluJS, and he seems open to providing a version of GluJs independent of ExtJS.

I have been building reactive applications for 12 years, and have contributed to a few (the ones that are based on html templating), so feel confident saying that GluJs would be a relatively easy way for Webix to acquire MVVM functionality.


any more thoughts on this?
ie: implementing GluJs on Webix?

Revisiting Webix after some absence.
Any progress on MVVM / databinding?
Integrating with third party libraries, eg:

  • Baobab
  • Mobservables


I’d also be interesting in hearing about any MVVM progress with Webix. We used MVVM exclusively in ExtJS, and have been very happy with the results, in terms of scalability, modularity, and clean architecture.