Setting the style of cell in treetable after the value has changed


I’m trying to figure out how to change the style of a cell after the value has been changed. I can trap the event and understand if the value has changed and I can use the addCellCSS method to change the CSS. But, how do I find out which cell was changed?

$$("mytreetable").attachEvent("onAfterEditStop", function(state, editor, ignoreUpdate){
    if(state.value != state.old){
        webix.message("Cell value was changed")

       // This could change the cell style, but I dont know how to get the selected cell info
       $$("mytreetable").addCellCss(152, "years", "css_class_name");



You can use editor.row and editor.column

We will update the documentation, as currently it is hard to find this info.