How to move popup outside the bounderies of Parent frame

We have a requirement to open popup on click of an image.
Following code is used to open pupup … but it is restricted to the boundaries of parent frame.

view : “window”,
height : heightVal,
width : widthVal,
id : idVal,
move : true,
left : leftVal,
top : topVal,
head : {
view : “toolbar”,
margin : -4,
cols : [
view : “label”,
template : ‘
+ titleVal
+ ‘

view : “toggle”,
type : “image”,
image : “images/close_button.gif”,
width : 30,
click : “$$(’”
+ idVal
+ “’).close();”
} ]
body : “

The opened popup width is more than the parent frame so only some part of the popup is visible.

Can anybody please suggest any alternative to resolve the problem (to show popup fully visible on top of parent frame).

Any help guys ?

To have the window wider than frame border you need to create a window in the parent window, not in the frame
Unfortunately the library can create UI only in the same window ( frame ) where library was loaded. So you need to include the webix lib in the page of top window and call it like

top.webix.ui( same_config_as_above ) 

Hi maksim,
I have tried using top.webix.ui(), but got following error in console :
“Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin “null” from accessing a frame with origin “null”. Protocols, domains, and ports must match.”

Please help…

Browser doesn’t allow to communicate between different domains. So if you have a page in top frame from one domain, and page in sub frame from another domain - browser will block any js calls between frames ( that means - there is no way to use webix api to show the top level popup in such case )