visibleBatch shows Check batch but clicking other options...other batch cannot be displayed

Cannot showbatch other batch options:

						{ id:"Billing",  onclick:{ onChange:"selectedoption3" }, visibleBatch:"Check", rows:[
							{ view:"text", name:"text1", label:"Title", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"pay23", label:"Period", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"pay24", label:"Terms" , labelWidth:155},
								view:"radio", labelWidth:155,
								label: 'Payment Method',  name:"paymentmethod3",
								value:1, yCount:"5", options:[ 
									{ id:1, value:"Check"},
									{ id:2, value:"Cash"}, 
									{ id:3, value:"Wire" },
									{ id:4, value:"Credit" }
							{ view:"text", name:"field1", label:"field name", batch:"Check", labelWidth:155},							
							{ view:"text", name:"field2", label:"field nmbr", batch:"Check", labelWidth:155},								
							{ view:"text", name:"field3", label:"field serial", batch:"Check", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field4", label:"field name", batch:"Cash", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field5", label:"field secotino", batch:"Wire", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field6", label:"field address", batch:"Wire", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field7", label:"field number", batch:"Credit", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field8", label:"field num", batch:"Credit", labelWidth:155},
							{ view:"text", name:"field9", label:"Name", batch:"Credit", labelWidth:155}

Check the next sample -

Thank you maksim… works great.

Hi maksim: is there a rule to validate fields when a batch is shown such as when Credit is selected…how can I validate only those show fields and not the other batch fields?

Currently validation affects all fields in the form. We will consider an option, that will use only visible fields in the validation process.

thank you so much

Just had a quick question: is there an if-else to detect if each specific field is set, then validate… (sorry if question sounds mundane)

You can use getDirtyValues - it will return values that was changed.
As for validation - it will validate all fields in the form. You can use custom validation rules though, that can ignore empty values

Is there is snippet for ignoring empty values in custom validation?

        return !value || webix.rules.isNumber(value)