DataTable PDF export - font awesome

I’ve got some font awesome icons in Datatable - nice - but now tried out the pdf export - and they disappear.
Do you have experience how i (or you :wink: could fix this?

Thank you!

Sorry, but I don’t see how it can be done easily.

Excel file can contain text data or images, but as far as I know it can’t embed external fonts ( and all icons are based on font awesome ). So to have the icon included in the excel file it need to be converted to the image, that is not an easy task.

I was thinking about PDF not excel but same problem :wink:

Actually it can be solved in case of PDF.

We have plans to provide alternative way for pdf export, where actual HTML will be transformed to PDF by using headless browser on server side. Such approach allows to export HTML exactly as it visible for user.

New export functionality will be available with 2.0 release in September 2014