Selected Column

I need to get the cell row id as well as column id in the event onAfterEditStop. I am able to get rowid by methods this.getSelectedId() or editor.row. How do I get which column has been edited?




Both row id and column id can be derived from editor object. All in all, it contains

  • column - column id
  • config - column configuration object
  • node - html element of the cell being edited
  • row - row id
  • value - initial value of the cell
      onAfterEditStop:function(state, editor, ignore){
           var rowid = editor.row;
            var column = editor.column;

Thank you. where are these editor properties listed? Am I not seeing the documentation properly?

Hmm… this information is missing in the documentation now. We will update the docs for more detailed description of editing events. Thank you.