MATH not working in TreeTable

{ id:“colfilter”, header:{content:“textFilter”}, width:400,
template:"{common.treetable()} #value#" },
{ id:“C”, header:“C”, width:100},
{ id:“T”, header:“T”, width:100},
{ id:“valt-c”, header:“T-C”, width:100, math:"[$r,T] - [$r,C]"},
math: true,

I’m loading data via an AJAX request. But for some reason the ‘valt-c’ column does not get populated. The values are displaying properly in the T and C columns.

I tried this in a snippet with some random line of data:

And it works in there. Could this be a bug?

Yep this looks like a bug. I tried my actual JSON response in the above snippet and is displays the difference correctly.

I can confirm the issue, in case of treetable math doesn’t applied for data from external source. Fix will be included in the oncoming build.

Has this been fixed in the latest release?

Yep, in Webix 1.10 math correctly applied to the data from an external file.