Webix and Intel XDK

Hello, all!

I was looking for modern UI to a mobile application to use in a cross-devices, HTML5 based platform.
I choose Webix for the UI and Intel XDK to build the application.

It works really well, but not so well in some cases…

Do Webix and Intel XDK have incompatibilities that cannos live together?

For an example, I’m trying to populate a list using the “url” property, and it works great on the emulator, but don’t work when I test the app on a device ( iOS or Android).

Thanks in advance!!!

  • This same message is been posted on Intel XDK forum, so, in case of answer here or there, I’ll update both *

Webix is just a set of javascript classes, so it must work the same as normal html page. As far as I can see there is no any specific in usage on the intel XDK platform.