Adding and Removing tabs from Tabview

How can I add and remove tags from a pre-existing tabview? I suppose we can redefine the ‘cells’ property with the define method; but I can’t see a method to append a new cell or remove a preexisting cell with a particular ID.
‘config’ doesn’t seem to have ‘cells’ in it otherwise I could’ve worked around it.

Tabview is a hybrid of multiview and tabbar components.

You can add a new view to the multiview and the corresponding option for the tabbar with the help of their API:

tabview.getMultiview().addView({id:"test", template:"new view"});
tabview.getTabbar().addOption("test", "New Opt", true);

Use the removeView method of a multiview and removeOption of a tabbar to delete a tab.

Some documentation:

I think I might have found a bug. I tried implementing this, but I had a weird problem where I’d switch the tabs but the view itself wouldn’t change.

Take a look at your own example:

I’ve tested this on Firefox and Chrome for Linux and Windows both. Clicking on tabs doesn’t seem to work at all. The tabs by themselves do change but the view remains the same.

The sample demonstrates how tabs are added and removed for tabbar control only. There’s no multiview element there - that’s why the view is the same.
I think we can change the sample to avoid ambiguity. Thank you for being attentive.

As for your case, check the following snippet for details
You should be aware of the fact, that tab ID and view ID must coincide, otherwise switching won’t happen.