Selected content for Pivot - multiple rows


Is it possible to get tree content for selected row. Lets say that I use three fields in pivot table as rows: Supplier, Type of material, Order Month. WHen I click at month for example is it possible to get text or value from row and all parents in the structure?

Supplier A
Product A
MOnth 1
Month 2
Month 3…

If I click MOnth 3 is it possible to set some variable that will contain: var a = “Supplier A, Product A, Month3”?

Well, I found solution but I have to use loops. It is not that complicated when you use object

var Dataindatatable = $$(“pivot”).$$(“data”)
var RowObject= Dataindatatable.getItem(id.row);

Object RowObject contains level and $parent property which allows you to create loop from 0 to level while you storing name property in some variable and change ParentID