How to call events using angular js

i am triying crud operations using angular js and webix combination, i can’t understand how to get values using inline edit operation after click enter button,
i need how to get values using double click edit operation along with how to add method for webix-icon

i am using html code


controller code

var app = angular.module(‘webixApp’, [ “webix” ]);
app.controller(“webixTestController”, function($scope){

webix.UIManager.addHotKey(“Enter”, function() {
webix.alert(“Enter Clicked”);



You can define event handler on the datatable

Something like

<div webux-ui view="datatable"
        webix-event="onAfterEditStop = showInfo(id, details)"

and in the controller, have the handler’s code

$scope.showDetails = function(id, details){
      webix.alert("value changed");

id and details will contain information about the changed cell, its position, old and new values.

If necessary, I can share a working sample.