dataprocessing with webix remote

how can i use the webix-remote api for standard dataprocessing? have i to write a new dataprocessor and if, how? the remote interface is deadsimple like db.insert(tablename,data) etc. it works but i have to rewrite the loading process as converting to json,saving the state, clear the output, loading etc.

You can use


Where load and save are server side methods.

save(id:string, action:string, data:any):string;
  • load method do not receive any parameters and must return an array of objects
  • save method receives id, action name and data object ( where action name is one of “insert”, “update”, “delete” ) and must return the new id for insert operation.

Both input and output operate with normal objects ( PHP arrays, js objects, etc ), there is no need to JSON parsing|serialization.

Can we use remote to dynamic loading?

you can use onDataRequest event

some.attachEvent("onDataRequest", function(start, count){
    some.parse( remote.callSomething(start, count) );
    return false;