how to disable the default "on row click" to select a row. wish to use only the checkbox.

The following snippet allows to select / unselect a row when the associated checkbox is clicked. Apart from that, if a row is clicked elsewhere (not just on the checkbox), select / unselect is performed. How to disable this default behavior?

on: {
   "onCheck": (r,c,s)=>s?$$("dt").select(r, 1/*important*/):$$("dt").unselect(r),
   onBeforeSelect: function(obj, preserve) {
      return preserve === 1;
   onBeforeUnselect(obj) {
       return !obj.column;

The solution does not work becasue when onBeforeSelect is working as declared, is not selecting.

Another solution to this? I also want to use checkbox to select and invalidate the natural row selection.

probably you have set select:false in table config
try to set select:true