Wrap Text Around Radio label

I cannot figure out how to wrap the text in the radio label (even a few other components, such as text, richselect and others).

The radio is wrapped in a few divs, so I’m think that I need to mess with .webix_view.webix_control.webix_el_radio, but then that would effect all radios when I may only need to have text wrapped for one or two.

Can anyone help me with this?

Here’s an example: Code Snippet

Thank you

I have figured this out. https://webix.com/snippet/1fffbf22


Thanks, this was a very interesting way of dealing with this. Although, in your example, it doesn’t wrap the text. around, but only extends it. I haven’t played with it yet, but I will check to see if I can wrap it with this method.

I’ve never seen anything like this, does “webix.html…” access the components label node?