TinyMce Setup not working

Hello all,

I’m trying to create a custom button on the TinyMce toolbar. I’m following the Tinymce documentation, but it does not work. In fact, I don’t think it’s registering the setup at all.

I don’t have a working snippet (as I can’t get the TinyMce cdn), but this is what I have. Any help would be appreciated. Code Snippet



Indeed, the intergation code gives no chance for a custom setup function to call.

To work around this issue, you can get intergation files locally and in the tinymce.js file in the root folder change the line:

config.setup = webix.bind(this._mce_editor_setup, this);


var customsetup = config.setup;
config.setup = webix.bind(function(editor){
	if(customsetup) customsetup(editor);
}, this);

Upd: Just grab the updated code from Github: components/tinymce at master · webix-hub/components · GitHub

As a workaround, I just created a tinymce plugin to satisfy my requirements, but this is very helpful. Thank you Helga