Storing data for loading later (multiview)

There have been a few questions regarding loading data when using the multiview component ( & ), but neither of them really answer my question.

I’m trying to dynamically load data onto multiple tabs, but I cannot parse the data until the tab has been rendered. I can use onViewChange and make an ajax call for each tab, but I was looking for a way to make one ajax call on the initial page load and store the data until it can be parsed (when the corresponding tab is in view).

I believe I can use the Webix storage interface ( Webix Storage Interface of Guides, Saving and Restoring the App State Webix Docs ) to store the data locally, but I haven’t been able to get this to work for me. I also know that I can store the data in hidden elements, but this doesn’t feel right. Or I can store the data into a global variable, but this also doesn’t feel right.

Just wanted to get others thoughts on the best way of handling this.