Help on mobile Keyboard overlaps

Hi all,
I’m going crazy. On my cordova app, keyboard overlaps the text input in forms view. Has anyone had this problem?
This is very frustrating using webix

Thank you

never mind it’s my error, resolved


Could you by chance post your solution? I asked a similar question here:

…and it sounds like, if you’re describing what I think you are, that you found an answer.


I’ll tell you what i did:

  1. removed all <meta name …> mobile stuff from index.html
  2. put in config.xml
  3. removed ionic keyboard, statusbar and immersive fullscreen plugins (if any) from project

After this changes the input boxes overlapped by keyboard, scroll correctly on top of keyboard

My development ide is Visual Studio Community for Cordova

My form is part of a multiview (no height property declared)

Anyway the most important matter is that any FULLSCREEN directive OR ANDROID SYSTEM UI directive prevents android keyboard to resize the viewport app to align the overlapped input box

in AndroidManifest.xml you can see the android:windowSoftInputMode=“adjustResize” directive which I think does the trick (but I really don’t know)

Hmm, that last bit I agree is probably the key, and that’s an interesting comment because I had been making a subconscious assumption that Webix would handle this, but maybe that’s not a good assumption at all.

Though, in that case, it definitely raises an interesting question: I’m developing a PWA, so no Ionic or Phonegap or anything. In that case, what would be responsible for the behavior? I’d say Chrome then probably, but if that’s the case then it doesn’t seem to be doing it right and I wonder if it then falls onto Webix to handle?

Anyway, thanks very much for the reply, I appreciate it!

That was my first assumption too. To resolve my problem I tried this PWA reccomandation: “Explore using features like Element.scrollIntoView() and Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() to ensure the input is visible when tapped.” (I suppose you have already explored)

Hmm, interesting, I actually hadn’t heard of those. I’ll have to take a closer look. Thanks again!