Strange behavior when inserting new row datatable

I need to do the following:
Insert new row at the beginning of the grid (add (id: “new”, 0)), edit this created row (editRow (“new”)) and save data with update.php when finished completing all data the row.

The behavior I’m having is that when I go from one cell to the next it launches “update.php” with the data I’m typing with the id: “new”. This causes me problems because MySQL changes the first time the id: “new” for its automatic id and the following updates do not save them where I need them.

What I need is to only launch the “update.php” when I finish editing all the data in the row, either because I press the “Enter” key or because I leave the last cell.

is it possible?



You can define the updateFromResponce setting to change the clientside id to the serverside one on the fly:

But, as far as I can see, when you more along the edited row, save requests are not issued until this row is blurred.

Thanks Helga.
Yes, the problem is when updating, in this case, when I finished editting and
try to send row values, only send the first cell value (title) and not the full data.