Action click on button when pressed "enter" in text field

Hello ,
How it possible to do a click action in button , when I pressed “Enter” on keyboard in text field ?


This solution is almost that I want :

{view: “text”, , click : doAction, hotkey :“enter”}

But when I click in field text, the action is executed and I just want when I pressed “enter”

try to set click and hotkey to button instead of text

Thanks for your response.
It is ok if all my page has just one button, but if I have two forms and if I want that button get key “enter” for text field of just one form , how to do that ?

Hotkey watches keypress globally, but you can setonKeyPress event to each ui.text:

    onkeypress:function(keycode, e){
        if (keycode == 13) doAction();