Info sidemenu example

Hi all
i was interested to see how “sidemenu” works; i found documentation at Navigate your way. Sidebar and Sidemenu . Particularly , i was interested to see how how works when i click on a menu item . The “live demo” at Left position , not show the “Main part” voice when i click in “Produtcs” item like i see in Navigate your way. Sidebar and Sidemenu
Can some help me to understand a find an example to attachEvent a ClickEvent in the item menù (I hope I was clear enough )
Thanks in advance

Click actions have to be specified additionally as any interaction logic.

Sidemenu itself is a collapsible layout which can contain any UI within thebody. Default configuration assumes the ui.list within this layout, so you can set the click/select handler to it.

The following sample includes the multiview, which cells can be shown according to the selection in the sidemenu:

Is MultiView the best choice for this? Seems that all the controls in the MultiView will be instantiated when the app loads, instead on each being initialized after the user selects the corresponding side bar/menu option.

The controls will be instantiated, yet not painted. Within Multiview, only the active tab is pushed to DOM, while any other one will substitute it when shown.