use sidebar with webix jet

Dear madams/sirs,

I tried to use webix jet with side bar, I always got strange error message that I can not explain. I cut code from sidebar demo, and inject to a webix jet project, I always got:

core.js:462 TypeError: e[i] is not a constructor
    at Function.e.A (webix_debug.js:4826)
    at h.kc (webix_debug.js:5497)
    at h.kc (webix_debug.js:5802)
    at h (webix_debug.js:233)
    at Function.e.A (webix_debug.js:4837)
    at Object.webix.ui (webix_debug.js:4561)
    at Object.create (core.js:450)
    at Object.subui [as sub] (core.js:92)
    at next_step (core.js:227)
    at core.js:240


the code is very simple, please help. …

var menu_data = [
		{id: "dashboard", icon: "dashboard", value: "Dashboards",  data:[
			{ id: "dashboard1", value: "Dashboard 1"},
			{ id: "dashboard2", value: "Dashboard 2"}
		{id: "layouts", icon: "columns", value:"Layouts", data:[
			{ id: "accrodions", value: "Accordions"},
			{ id: "portlets", value: "Portlets"}
		{id: "tables", icon: "table", value:"Data Tables", data:[
			{ id: "tables1", value: "Datatable"},
			{ id: "tables2", value: "TreeTable"},
			{ id: "tables3", value: "Pivot"}
		{id: "uis", icon: "puzzle-piece", value:"UI Components", data:[
			{ id: "dataview", value: "DataView"},
			{ id: "list", value: "List"},
			{ id: "menu", value: "Menu"},
			{ id: "tree", value: "Tree"}
		{id: "tools", icon: "calendar-o", value:"Tools", data:[
			{ id: "kanban", value: "Kanban Board"},
			{ id: "pivot", value: "Pivot Chart"},
			{ id: "scheduler", value: "Calendar"}
		{id: "forms", icon: "pencil-square-o", value:"Forms",  data:[
			{ id: "buttons", value: "Buttons"},
			{ id: "selects", value: "Select boxes"},
			{ id: "inputs", value: "Inputs"}
		{id: "demo", icon: "book", value:"Documentation"}

	var ui = 	{
							view: "sidebar",
							data: menu_data,
								onAfterSelect: function(id){
									webix.message("Selected: "+this.getItem(id).value)
							template: "Hello kitty"

	return {
		$ui: ui,


Sidebar is an extension and it isn’t included in the Webix package. Please make sure that source files are added to your project.

Hi @Listopad

How can I set show subview in Jet 1.x, I try in Jet 0.x look good"/app/" +;

but when I try on Jet 1.x doesn’t work no action on show method

	view: "sidebar",
	id: "app_sidebar",
	data: menu,
	width: 200,
	on: {
		onAfterSelect: function (id) {
			var selection = this.getItem(id);
			if ( {
				console.log(selection);"/app/" +;
	rows: [
		{$subview: true}

could you help me how to resolve ?