Possible contradiction with licensing terms of the standard edition

(Please note: I’m not a lawyer, proceed with care)

The standard edition is apparently licensed under the GPL v3 license, a free software license. However there is strangely also a notice on your page which says this software “Can’t be distributed in commercial projects”. It is my understanding that this is in direct contradiction with the GPL v3 license which permits use and distribution in all projects, commercial and non-commercial, given that they also comply with the GPL v3 license.

The GPL v3 license explicitly permits conveying both verbatim copies and modified versions of the program (see sections 4 and 5), and states that “You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.”

Also, section 7 of the license prohibits imposing any “further restrictions” to the license.

You should probably check this with your lawyers and fix the (potentially) misleading text on your website if necessary.

Please point me to the page where you have found the above info.

GPL if fact does allow commercial usage, and we are fully agree with it. ( Due to source sharing requirement it is not so common for commercial apps to use GPL, still it is fully valid scenario )

Hi, thanks for your reply,

the page is at http://webix.com/download/

We have removed the confusing line from the download page.