Vertical slider

I Need Vertical sliders to enter Numeric values. Must be Vertical, because i Need to Place several side by side.

Any suggests?

Webix Team :slight_smile: you‘r the best!

do you mean vertical counter?

It is possible to rotate the slider with the CSS, but its core logic handles only horizontal DnD for changing the value.

We will consider the add-on for this control, but for now, the only way is to create a custom slider with the similar methods for Y position of DnD.

no, i need slider, it shall look like a mix table for light or music. and need DnD as app will run on pad. :confused:

no webix solution for this avail?

@chris unfortunately, this feature is not implemented for the upcoming release. We will add it in the later version.

@chris, the good news are that we have changed our minds and released the vertical slider in the newly baked 5.0 version.