Opening and closing of editor without assigning focus to it.

I want to open simple text editor assigned some value to the text editor and closed that text editor. In this process I do not want to assign focus to that editor. As this suppose to background process for formula calculation.

Check the sample, please.

Is that what you need?

yes I have implemented one click solution that open and close editor and assign value.
As I told you this changes are background process user do not suppose to know that editor closing and opening is happening on screen so I want to avoid focus.
In my edit event there is background process name change scope recorder that record the changes so I want to open and close editor for run time formula calculation. Currently it work fine problem with solution is that my grid is expanded on page and having scroll. when by button click start opening and closing the cell it got focus and my UI start scrolling…

Do you really need to open the editor?

Maybe it is enough to edit the cell programmatically with the help of an updateItem() method?

Ya this is one solution but I my change scope recorder is pre-build and it is called inside the onaftereditstop method my formula get calculated on the onStoreUpdated event. now if i do updateItem() do it trigger the onaftereditstop of that cell so that it get recorded in change scope recorder.

You may temporarily block events from this datatable:

grid.updateItem(id, obj);

Then onAfterEditStop will not fire

Thanks please consider closed! Can you also entertained my this question.

Please advice how to updateItem for the new insert record as snippet Code Snippet