[ Datatable ] Define template of specific column before Data is loaded

Good day,

is there a way to define template of specific column before data is loaded ?

I’m trying to do it with ‘onBeforeLoad’ event, ‘.config’ and ‘.define’ method , but as i understood you can’t define columns template with ‘.define’ or can you ?.

Something like this :

          onBeforeLoad: function () {

                var test = this.config.columns[1].id;
                // Gives error
                $$(test).define({ template: "<div class='one'>#sales#</div>" }); 


specific cell or column? cell is not created if data is not loaded.
you can change column’s template through

table.getColumnConfig(id).template = function(){...};

@intregal Hopla , i wanted to write columns. Going to try your code. Thanks.

@intregal, It’s me again. It seems like we can’t use




with ‘onBeforeLoad’ Event.

Is there maybe is a similar Event where we can access the columns config and change the column before whole data is loaded into table ?(i guess there isn’t).

Snippet: https://webix.com/snippet/ac27b8c1

There’s anonStructureLoad event that triggers when the columns are ready: https://webix.com/snippet/d207d27c

Thank you @Helga. Have missed that.