how get new order of elements after portlet move?

hi which parameter of onAfterPortletMove event contain parent elements of changed? i used this code: webix.attachEvent(“onAfterPortletMove”, function(source,parent,active,target,mode){



This event does not contain the new order of portlet views, but it can be obtained with the same event handler and some custom code.

Generally, you can get the views in their current order fromgetChildViews method of the parent layout. But I also recommend you check this topic with a custom solution for getting/setting this order for the portlets.

hi and thanks for your response.
i tried getChildViews method but when i want to stringify (JSON.stringify( var ) ) this object, cant do, even variable is object.

var rows = $$("recordform").getChildViews(); var str = JSON.stringify( rows.getChildViews() );

you have a mistake. perhaps you want to JSON.stringify(rows).
‘rows’ object does not have ‘getChildViews’ method

yes you are right.
correct is:
var rows = $$("recordform").getChildViews(); var str = JSON.stringify( rows );
this don’t work

i found solution.
with this way can find:
seen = []; json = JSON.stringify(rows, function(key, val) { if (typeof val == "object") { if (seen.indexOf(val) >= 0) return seen.push(val) } return val })