Importing excel sheet not updating the database

When i import a excel sheet to the spreadsheet, it loads the data in the excel properly but that data is not updating the spreadsheet. Any defined way in which i can do that??

It will be very fruitful if an update is given on this.

Could i get a event when excel import is done. Something like:-

$$(“test”).attachEvent(“onSheetImport”, function(data){
//do something with the data

no update on this ??

that data is not updating the spreadsheet

Can you please clarify how exactly do you load new data? Please check the following sample

onAfterLoad fires after data loading is done. At this moment you can work with the spreadsheet and apply any logic.

Currently when i’m importing any excel sheet, i’m not able to capture the row > cell data of the importing excel sheet, so that i can insert it to the database.

Could you give me the event triggered when i click on the import excel sheet button.

I’m using php as programming language and mysql as dbms in my project.

Even i can use javascript to read the excel sheet’s data cells.

That’s all my requirement is.