Insert Datepicker editable in Datatable

When I try to insert a datepicker in a datatable is easy with editor:“date”.
But I need that the cell can be modified by popup datepicker or manually writting the date manually. How it could be possible?

PD: In a form is easy if I configure datepicker wirh editable:true, but I didn’t found this option in datatable.


is it not possible? I need to modify the source code probably?


Default ‘date’ editor is a calendar inside a popup, not the full-featured datePicker.

You can create a custom editor with the needed functionality.

Check the snippet, please Though it’s rather an approximate solution, it may satisfy your needs.

Yes! it’s godd.
But is it possible to change the result date format ? Like yyyy-mm-dd?

There are two levels of data handling:

Real value can be modified with editor’s get/setValue methods, while the result can be rendered according to the specified format:

Note that this implementation of the custom editor uses standard ‘date’ editor to pick a date from the calendar.

Great! The code is very easy to understand.