Migrating to webix-jet 1 error Cannot find module "jet-views"

I’m trying to migrate my Rails project from webix-jet 0 to webix-jet 1 and have this error,
dear Webix maybe you have any ideas what kind of problem is it?
this is my webpack.config.js file
my project is in assets/javascripts/… folder

try to set resolve->alias as

    "jet-views":path.resolve(__dirname, "app/assets/javascripts/activity_fusion/views"),
    "jet-locales":path.resolve(__dirname, "app/assets/javascripts/activity_fusion/locales")

thnx it’s working

I’m trying to integrate webix-jet into my Rails app via Webpacker and also getting the same error.
Where do I put the resolve->alias code to in an attempt to fix this?
