Congratulations @webix team

Hi guys

Message to devs of webix.

I’m playing with “industrial” GUI and RIAs since 2001.

ExtJS and Qooxdoo was my favorites for a long time.

Webix is now my only one.

You made a fantastic job, plenty of pragmatism and love for developers and end users. Thank you.

Please do NOT change something to webix framework philosophy.

Learning curve is … wtf, no learning curve :smiley:

Doc is well done. Customizations are easy. Forum is plenty of tips and reactive.

Time to convince my company to switch and buy a licence, clearly.

Many thanks to webix team.

Best regards

Franck T.

I’ll remove this video in a few days for many reason. Cheers !

Thank you so much for this warm feedback.

We really appreciate your success and will continue working on Webix so that each new release would keep the same good impression :slight_smile: