dataview cell background-color change.


Using dataview and get data from database , and change data with ajax but

I can’t change background color . data is searched by every tree second.

If data of dataview’s cell have some condition , background-color must

change color . when I search dataview , cell’s background-color was changed

but dataview is twinkle . it must be problem. help me. i want to change

dataview cell’s background in every three seconds.

 	$$("MatrixData").clearAll() ;  
    if(obj.$level==4 && obj.checked) { 
      if ( cnt > 0 ) { mtxDataP +=  ","   }   ; 
      mtxDataP += ;
       cnt ++ ;
	    if ( cnt > 0 ) { mtxDataP = "(" + mtxDataP + ")" } ;

	  var result = webix.ajax().post("fmsMtxDataSelect.php","mtxData="+mtxDataP,function(text, data, http_request){ 
          		    var myJSON =  JSON.stringify(data.json());       
          		      		 //   alert('myJSON : ' + myJSON) ;    

	     $$("MatrixData").parse(result) ;

→ dataview is twinkle .