Setup Webix MVC Admin App with Material Design skin for Webix UI


I downloaded the following github project sources:

Called npm install on webix-adminapp-demo, copied the material design skin files into webix-adminapp-demo/codebase and called npm start.

But I did not get the look as in the demo:!/app/dashboard

Header row is with white background in my case, some buttons (export to excel, refresh) are broken to two rows etc.

I want the look from the demo and after that I want to implement the login mechanism to have a standard project to start from for new customer projects.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Best regards


The admin-app repo has 4 branches:

  • master
  • material
  • jet0 (old Jet)
  • material-jet0 (old Jet)

So please fetch the related branch. Material skin is already included in this demo.

Thanks, works fine :slight_smile: