Angular with webix

Hi webix team,

In this snippet if I am clicking on Click me button. Its not working .

Mira Karale

Hi webix team,

Please reply me.

The template property just injects an inner HTML into the target area. The content of template will not be processed by angular.

You can use Webix button instead

or use a HTML based init for Webix UI, in such a case all content will be processed by Angular first

Thanks for reply.
But I want to use angular js inside webix.
something like in below snippet -

In this onclicking list item right side view should get change by angular routing.

No way to do it in Webix as I know.


Are you working on webix with angular?


Is it possible in angular js?

Yes. I’m working with Angular + Webix.

There is a way to put angular components or directives to Webix template is the $compile service.

You can use $compile to compile to HTML element and then you can put it to template property. I don’t like this way. It’s quite complicated.

So I suggest you that shouldn’t put AngularJS components/directives to the template property of Webix’s components. You should find other ways.


Yes its quite complicated with $compile .