Datatable Column Resize Issue


as discussed in a previous Thread the implementation of global Input Fields, I now got an issue with “bigger” data sets.

Please check out the following snippet. My goal is, that I define a minWidth and a (custom) maxWidth for each Column to handle bigger data sets.

The global Input Field logic works fine in this snippet. If you type e.g. an “A” into the textbox of column “Released”, all rows of this column get the new value “A”.

But now at the time the minWidth-maxWidth logic is not working. Please remove the comment at the end of line 54 and activate ‘adjust:true’. Now the min/max logic works fine and sizes all columns as I want them to be sized.

But if I now set a new global Value, all cells in the Released-Column are blanked.

Please then take a look at the console.log of Line 83. It seems, that the onColumnResize doesnt work fine and I think, that there is the problem:

onColumnResize title 350 1131 false
onColumnResize title 1131 350 false
onColumnResize title 350 1131 false

Could you please give me a hint how to fix this issue?


Sorry, my bad - the column auto-resize interrupts the logic of the previous solution.
We have updated it a bit (see the ‘refresh’ method) in order to update the data properly in any case.
Please check the following sample: