Webix.codebase with tinymce integration

What exactly is the webix.codebase gloabal variable?

I would have thought it is the global place where webix components are loaded from. By default it is set to a CDN location.

webix.codebase = "//cdn.webix.com/components/";

But the example scripts for the tinyMCE Editor integration set this value to:

webix.codebase = "//cdn.webix.com/components/tinymce";

Is that a setting per component? Or a global setting? How do I have to set it, and where do I have to set it, if I want to load tinyMCE from the CDN.

Just if anyone else stumbles about this. I found a solution. Not a clean one. But it works. I simply manuall set webix.codepath inside the tinymce wrapper:

like this:

	//set id for future usage
	this._mce_id = "webix_mce_"+this.config.id;
	this.$view.innerHTML = "<textarea id='"+this._mce_id+"' style='width:1px; height:1px'></textarea>";

	webix.codebase = "assets/tinymce/"  //path to tinymce codebase   THIS LINE WAS ADDED BY ME
	console.log("Loading TinyMCE editor from codebase", webix.codebase)

	tinyMCEPreInit = { query:"", base: webix.codebase+"tinymce", suffix:".min" };
	webix.require("tinymce/tinymce.min.js", function(){
		if (!tinymce.dom.Event.domLoaded){