Spreadsheet Import from Excel not working using some fonts

I’m using the spreadsheet widget and i’m importing an Excel file.
I can import a file without problems but, if a sheet in a file has Garamond or Times New Roman, as selected font, i can’t see any content on my spreadsheet. At the beginning it seems to be stuck but, if i select one cell, i can see the background color of the cells. Furthermore, if the file has more sheets and i change between those i get “e.getColumn(…) is undefined” error in my console log.
Any solutions?

Working on it i found that, if i’ve set a global font on the sheet, i have the same problem with all fonts. Otherwise, if i have set a font (the same font too) only for some cells, the spreadsheet works.
Any ideas?


I tried importing Excel files with Garamond or Times New Roman, and Spreadsheet works smoothly: the cells are rendered with the basic PT Sans font.

As to the “e.getColumn(…) is undefined”, it’s a known issue related to column sizes. It may as well affect cell rendering with custom fonts in your case. This bug is already fixed in the dev build, so the fix will be available in the nearest update (Nov 23rd).

I would like to point out that i can’t see any content on the spreadsheet using any font if the font has been set globally. As i said in my first post at the beginning it seems to be stuck but, if i select one cell, i can see the background color of the cells.
Thanks for your replay, i hope you can help me.