Webix popup window is getting close when resize in IE11

Webix popup window is getting closed when user resize. However Firefox and Chrome its working fine…

Can anyone tell is it a bug?


follow this link: https://webix.com/snippet/ac28b8dc

Any Improvements, Still not resolved, can u please try opening in IE 11 Browser and try to resize @deepak

follow this link: https://webix.com/snippet/ac28b8dc

Popup is a non-modal window and it closes self by any user’s actions outside of popup. Use “window” if you need some UI that will be constantly visible.

@maksim I understand, But just try resize the popup in chrome/Firefox it still stays visible. As i believe somehow IE is firing click event somewhere in flow automatically due to which leads to hide event. Whereas in Chrome/Firefox it never happens.

FYI i need popup window for some reason.