Server side validation error display / data resubmition


I have following use case:

  1. Layout consists of following:
    1.1. toolbar with save button
    1.2. data table (“autoupdate”, false → binded with form, data table content is edited through form)
    1.3. form (bound to data table). After changing form data, there is button, which executes on form save()
    1.4. Changes are pushed to server side on toolbar button click
  2. Server side integration
    2.1. There is custom proxy, which pushes all changes on saveAll with ajax helper (save button executes: webix.dp(Constants.DATA_TABLE).send() )
    2.2. Error response is returned from server side [{ “action” : “error”, “id” : “entry id 1”}, { “action” : “error”, “id” : “entry id 2”}]
    2.3. Error is returned from server side, when business rules were not met

After errors are returned, if “save” button is pressed in toolbar, changes can not be resent second time. Is there any way, previously changed data collection entries could be resent to server side again?