webix datatable dynamic celll template

Hello Webix Forum.

I have datatable that use cell template.
I can create cell template with static template.

My Question, is there any method to have dynamic cell template in datatable depend on data value on datatable ?

for example if i have a column that have value then i will use cell template format A if the the column didn’t have value i will use cell template format B.

I hope i can get answer from this forum.

columns template receives 5 arguments:

    template: function(obj, common, value, config, rowIndex) {
  1. current datarow object {id:1, field1:“abc”, field2:5}
  2. common methods (like common.checkbox())
  3. current cell value
  4. current column config
  5. current datarow index

then you can return any template depending on required parameter

Dear Integral,

Thank you for your information.

i would like to ask again.
for the column property i get a response json string for column property from my backend.

{“id”:“supplier_id”,“header”:“Supplier Id”,“fillspace”:false,“hidden”:false,“width”:150,“css”:“grid-column-data-text”,“sort”:“string”,“editor”:“text”,“template”:“function(obj){debugger;}”}

and in webix i just assign datatable column like this:
columns: response.columns

the template is write as string value into datatable not as function.

Is it possible to have template function as function if i do with this method ?

unfortunately, JSON does not serialize/deserialize functions.
that’s why your template does not work.
you can use eval to “deserialize” template

response.columns.forEach(function(cfg) {
    if(typeof cfg.template == "string"){
        eval("cfg.template = "+cfg.template);

Dear Integral,

Thank you for your explanation.
after i use eval to deserialize template then in webix datatable i just assign column like this
column = response.columns,

is it true ?

yes, you can set columns this way

var config = {
config.columns = response.columns;
var config = {
   columns: response.columns