Is there a way to trigger a tree node open/close event through Javascript program?


I have a tree with onBeforeOpen, onAfterClose events which are triggered by the usual means when I click to open or close a tree node;

Snippet : Code Snippet

Is it possible to trigger those events programmatically from another JS file?
Let’s say in another JS file when I particular function or action is complete, I want call those events through the $$(‘mytree’) object.

Or else let me know if there is any other way to achieve this without the manual clicking action.

Just wanted to know what could be sent as array params to this below callEvent :
boolean callEvent(string name,array params);

I am passing the id of the node which is to be expanded, for example as per above snippet, I am sending the id of ‘Toyota’. Is that ok and valid param?


yes, for those events “id” is required argument.