Filemanager - upload data

            return response()->json([
                'status' => 'server',
                'id' => $file->id,
                'value' => $file->full_name,
                'type' => $file->type,
                'icon' => $file->icon,
                'item' => $file,
                'message' => [
                    'text' => __('system.msg'),
                    'title' => __('system.title')

After upload i would to return more data like icon to use in custom template. But only id and value are assigned to object so after uploading i have blank icon. I tried onAfterFileUpload event with updateItem() and refresh() but with no luck. I am not sure how refresh filemanager view…

My second question:

If i return for example return json_encode([‘status’ => ‘server’]);
then filemanager make /open request and make refresh.

It’s generally solve above problem but i would to prevent this unnecessary request.

By the way how make so nice refresh (i will use it to another problem)?
manager.load(sourceUrl, function () {
openFolder(id, true);
This make refresh but make full refresh and filemanager is blank for a while. This autorefresh after uploading works nice (no reload left tree, and items don’t disappear, they are only updated by data).

Could You answer my this simple question - How to Pass data from a server to webix file info?

I found it my self finally.
It make a job:

    manager.attachEvent("onAfterFileUpload",function(data) {
        this.parseData(data); // icon attribute, owner attribute, and other, customs
        new PNotify({ text: data.message.text, title: data.message.title, addclass: 'alert bg-success alert-styled-left'});